Privacy policy

This is the registry and privacy statement in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union.

Registry Name

Customer Information Registry of Kiinteistövalttari Oy

Data Controller

Kiinteistövalttari Oy, Business ID: 3009181-2

Person Responsible for Registry Matters

Esa Valttari, CEO

Purpose of the Registry

The purpose of the registry is to serve as the customer information registry for Kiinteistövalttari Oy.

Information may be used for the following purposes

  • Customer relationship management

Regular Data Sources

The primary source of information is the customer themselves. Information may also be obtained from official registers and databases, as well as from common partners.

Registry Data Content

The registry primarily contains information provided by customers to Kiinteistövalttari Oy.

The registry may include, among other things, the following customer information

  • Person’s name
  • Email address
  • And other information provided by the user

Regular Disclosures of Information

With the customer’s consent, information may be disclosed to common partners of the customer and Kiinteistövalttari Oy for the delivery of products and services ordered by the customer.

Information related to invoicing may be disclosed to entities involved in payment transactions.

Information is not disclosed to other third parties within or outside the European Union.

Information may be disclosed to authorities if they present a request based on Finnish law.

Principles of Registry Protection

Manual Material

Information is not kept in physical copies except for accounting, which is accessible only to designated employees of Kiinteistövalttari Oy and the accountant, who are bound by confidentiality.

Data stored in information systems

Data is transmitted over an SSL-protected connection.

Electronic data is protected by a firewall. Only specifically designated employees of Kiinteistövalttari Oy have access to registry data. Employees are identified by a username and password. Information is treated as confidential and may not be disclosed to anyone other than those who need it for their work and are bound by confidentiality.

Right to Inspection and Objection

The registered person has the right to inspect what personal information concerning them has been stored in the personal data registry. A written request for inspection must be sent, signed, to the person responsible for registry matters.

The right to inspection is free of charge once a year.

Data Retention Period

We retain personal information only for the time necessary for the type of personal data and its processing purposes.


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